Caution Marketing Minute

Got To BeReal

It’s hard to be genuine on social media. We are selective, we use filters, and I have to convince people I do more than watch cartoons. Introducing BeReal, the anti-instagram and my cartoon confessional, the app where you have two minutes to upload a real-time photo after receiving a daily notification. BeReal is freshly authentic, straying away from influencers and advertisements. However, this hasn’t stopped certain brands from getting creative. Chipotle, Sour Patch Kids, and Love Island are taking advantage of the app’s popularity by posting “behind the scenes”, day in the life photos as means to be sincere. These approaches are shining a new light on familiar brands, but we’ll have to BeReal patient to see if they stick.

Breaking News

Marbury Creative Group is joining forces with Luckie & Company, one of the top privately held marketing firms in the Southeast. Clients will continue to work with the team you’ve grown to know and love, but now we have access to specialized services for your benefit.

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