The Joyce of Banking

Featured Project

After a successful brand awareness campaign for Georgia Banking Company, the last thing we wanted was a loss of “interest” — So, we quickly expanded the creative for brand consideration in a way that made CENTS!

Building on the excitement around the quirky brand character we created, Joyce, we are leveraging her lively personality to turn her into a genuine social media influencer—for banking! The outcome was eight engaging vlogs where Joyce helped simplify banking products and services through her own humor and style all pointing back to GBC. After creating social media pages and blogs to boost Joyce’s authenticity, we were met with some exciting results as potential customers connected with her to share the joys (or as we call it, the “JOYCE”) of banking!

Taking It to the Bank

Our goal for this brand consideration campaign was to open new accounts for GBC and grow a larger following on social media. By utilizing Meta (Instagram and Facebook) and TikTok, we were able to generate significant leads and drive engagement and traffic to their website to book time with a banker. Over two months, the total audience went up by 14.3% across all platforms, and through retargeting, our authentically entertaining and educational creative delivered a 3.1% click-through-rate (CTR). Going to show that genuineness and currency really does pay the bills.



Influencer Vlogs


Average CTR Across Platforms




Average VVR

We love being able to expand upon our creative concepts like this — As they say, sometimes a little change can be good.

Breaking News

Marbury Creative Group is joining forces with Luckie & Company, one of the top privately held marketing firms in the Southeast. Clients will continue to work with the team you’ve grown to know and love, but now we have access to specialized services for your benefit.

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