A Social Media Shape-Up

Peloton’s latest social media agreement is perfect for those fitness resolutions—that is, unless you’re trying to limit time on TikTok®.


The sumptuous stationary cycle brand, Peloton®, has partnered with social media mammoth, TikTok, to create exclusive workout clips on a co-branded channel. The videos will appear in a #TikTokFitness “hub” rather than Peloton’s owned channels and feature original instructors and influencers. Now, why would Peloton make videos only found on TikTok? We’ll give you a hint: The target market is fluent in abbreviations, and it rhymes with “kimchi.” 


Yes, Gen Z continues to be a major target audience for brand growth in 2024, with Peloton looking to capitalize on the app’s sense of community through its addictive algorithm centered around hobbies and interests. Personally, we think it’s a smart play to have young users become familiar with the brand without having to drop a student loan on expensive Peloton products.


Just makes us think what other pricey commodities might follow suit—

looking at YOU mattress manufacturers…


Breaking News

Marbury Creative Group is joining forces with Luckie & Company, one of the top privately held marketing firms in the Southeast. Clients will continue to work with the team you’ve grown to know and love, but now we have access to specialized services for your benefit.

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