An Ab-ode to Pancakes


If you’ve ever visited an IHOP® and were disappointed it wasn’t a literal house of pancakes—Eggo® is making up for it by giving folks a chance to hit the sack in a stack of flapjacks.


Kellogg’s® brand Eggo has partnered with vacation rental site to create a spring break escape with the look and feel of soft, buttery pancakes. The “Eggo House of Pancakes” is tucked away in the woods of Gatlinburg, Tennessee (the pancake capital of the South), certainly emphasizing the “stickiness” that comes with the iconic breakfast option. It’s also dripping with some sweet accommodations like fluffy furniture, a maple syrup serving fountain, and a freezer stocked up with Eggo pancakes—seriously, what could be batter?


Yes, the brand best known for waffles is flipping their focus to raise awareness about their pancake offerings. By taking advantage of the spring break season and the growing popularity of convenient, frozen breakfast options, Eggo is hoping to stack above the rest with this one-of-a-kind experience. Interestingly enough, this isn’t the first time we’ve seen brands team up with rental properties—PopTarts® had a lodge on Zillow, and Pabst Blue Ribbon teamed with a motel to create ‘80s themed rooms.


While we’re sure this will create some tasty buzz, we’re not so sure this carbohydrate cabin will allow vacationers to relax, unwind, and L’eggo.

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Marbury Creative Group is joining forces with Luckie & Company, one of the top privately held marketing firms in the Southeast. Clients will continue to work with the team you’ve grown to know and love, but now we have access to specialized services for your benefit.

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