Trade Show Takeaways: MCG & Client Conferences

Featured Project

We love a good trade show: all the beautiful displays, getting to talk industry, and, of course, guessing the right amount of jelly beans in a jar.

But, while you’d think an ad agency would stick to marketing collateral and booth designs, we also get the incredible opportunity to join our clients at their various conferences and industry events! Our clients are our partners, so as we support them with marketing materials for their shows, we also want to be there for them at these conferences to cultivate our relationship and learn even more about their industries.

Notable Net-"Working"

All of this stems from our value to “Study and Enjoy Relationships”—which we’ve found to be a bit harder over Zoom. Whether it’s to Seattle, WA, to talk about retinal health, or to Orlando, FL, for all things garlic and produce, we’re always eager to go to these events because we know there’s some real value in it. For one, we pride ourselves on staying up-to-date and educated on what’s happening in our clients’ industries. These conferences are a fantastic, hands-on way to see new tech, products, lines, and trends being unveiled and even gain inspiration for future projects through our marketing perspective.
(Oh, and the dinners are nice too!)



Shows Attended


Booths Designed


Miles Traveled


Of Photos taken

So, if you’re looking for an eye-catching display, collateral, or booth, visit our website to learn more.


(Not to mention that we’re also pretty great cheerleaders.)

Breaking News

Marbury Creative Group is joining forces with Luckie & Company, one of the top privately held marketing firms in the Southeast. Clients will continue to work with the team you’ve grown to know and love, but now we have access to specialized services for your benefit.

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